Chapter 5 : Section 34
Discharge from Voluntary Extended Foster Care
The Department shall provide all qualified young adults who reach the age of 18 in the custody of the Department, prior to discharge:
information on the benefits, options, and expectations of voluntary extended foster care;
the opportunity to remain enrolled in voluntary extended foster care after reaching age 18 and until age 21; and
encouragement and assistance to remain in extended foster care unless the young adult demonstrates that extended foster care services are not needed to achieve successful transition to adulthood.
Participation in extended foster care may only be concluded when:
the young adult makes a voluntary decision to decline participation in the program;
the young adult enlists in the military and successfully achieves active duty status;
the Extended Foster Care Quality Review (EFCQR) determines the young adult is in substantial non-compliance and no longer meets eligibility; or
the young adult reaches the age of 21.
The Extended Foster Care services shall remain in effect until the reasons for termination are resolved or the grievance or appeal process is completed.
Termination of Voluntary Extended Foster Care Services
The Department shall ensure an Extended Foster Care Quality Review (EFCQR) is conducted within 30 days of recommended termination of the voluntary extended foster care services. The DCS Specialist or contracted service provider shall request the EFCQR by emailing The EFCQR will document the review of the case, transition and discharge plan, reason for closure, efforts to engage the eligible youth in identifying and resolving issues, including assessing the effectiveness of current services and additional or new supportive service options available. See Extended Foster Care Quality Review.
A management review may be requested through the EFCQR by the DCS Specialist, contracted service provider, or young adult they disagree with the determination for closure.
The Department or contracted service provider shall ensure an appropriate comprehensive discharge plan is developed with all young adults served, including:
the plan to meet the identified needs as gathered from the comments, recommendations, and requests of the young adult, caregiver, and other service team members; and
specific plans for obtaining any identified services.
If termination is occurring due to the young adult reaching age 21, or the young adult decides to terminate their Voluntary Agreement, the DCS Specialist or contracted service provider will schedule a discharge staffing with the young adult within ten work days of the youth's 21st birthday or notice to discontinue participation in Extended Foster Care. During the staffing, the DCS Specialist or contracted service provider will:
Review the discharge plan with the young adult and refer the young adult to available aftercare services.
Provide the young adult with any vital documents that are in the possession of the Department including the original birth certificate, social security card, state identification card, annual credit report, a copy of the young adult's health and education records and Foster Care Verification Letter, CSO-1807.
Send the Notice of Service Closure or Ineligibility, CSO-1304A to the young adult confirming the date of closure, and statement of aftercare services available through the Transitional Independent Living Program (including the opportunity to re-enter DCS supervised services) and AHCCCS insurance programs as well as other resources available in their community.
Provide any necessary documents or records not previously provided and confirm the discharge plan meets the needs of the young adult.
If termination occurs due to substantial non-compliance, the DCS Specialist or contracted services provider will ensure a staffing of the individual case and transition plan was completed and documented during the EFCQR, which was conducted within 30 days of recommended termination, as well as the creation of a discharge plan that provides and connects young adults to information on available community resources.
For termination due to substantial non-compliance, the DCS Specialist or contracted service provider will:
Review the discharge plan with the young adult and refer the young adult to available aftercare services.
Provide the young adult with any vital documents that are in the possession of the Department including the original birth certificate, social security card, state identification card, annual credit report, a copy of the young adult's health and education records and Foster Care Verification Letter, CSO-1807.
Send the Notice of Service Closure or Ineligibility, CSO-1304A to the young adult confirming the date of closure, and statement of aftercare services available through the Transitional Independent Living Program (including the opportunity to re-enter DCS supervised services) and AHCCCS insurance programs as well as other resources available in their community.
Provide any necessary documents or records not previously provided and confirm the discharge plan meets the needs of the young adult.
Provide the young adult with information as to their right to grieve any decision to terminate their voluntary agreement.
Assist or identify and engage a supportive person to assist the youth through the grievance process, including the completion and submittal of the forms Independent Living Program/Transitional Independent Living Program - Youth/Young Adult Grievance, CSO-1304B.
The Extended Foster Care services shall remain in effect until the reasons for termination are resolved or the grievance or appeal process is completed. See Extended Foster Care Quality Review.
Termination of Independent Living Subsidy
If the Department determines that continuation of the Independent Living Subsidy would place the young adult at risk of immediate harm, the DCS Specialist or contracted service provider will document this fact in the case file progress notes, and arrange for a safe living arrangement and sufficient support services to reasonably ensure the young adult's safety in the interim.
Unable to Locate Young Adult
If the young adult's whereabouts are unknown, make reasonable efforts to locate and engage the young adult including:
providing written notice;
mailing certified letters;
making visits to last known addresses;
making telephone calls to last known phone numbers;
asking relatives and/or others who have contact information;
following up on new information;
making contact with the young adult's tribe;
reviewing the Family Assistance Administration (FAA) AZTECS database in Guardian to determine if a current address is available;
contacting the County Jail and the Department of Corrections if case information indicates current or recent incarceration;
reviewing public records and other open sites; and
if approved, conducting a search of social media.
If the young adult's whereabouts continue to be unknown, and reasonable efforts to locate and engage the young adult have been completed, follow the termination process for substantial non-compliance. If there are concerns for the young adult's safety, staff with the DCS Program Supervisor to determine if notification to law enforcement is warranted.
If the young adult in extended foster care is at risk of being homeless upon discharge from the program, the Department hsall engage with the young adult to explore housing options, including out-of-home care living arrangements if the young adult is under age 21.
Notify all young adults leaving foster care of the requirement to complete an annual review through the Department of Economic Security, Family Assistance Administration (FAA) to continue health services and to contact FAA to update their current residential address.
Document the young adult’s voluntary termination of services (including the reason for termination) in the Notes tab.
Document assistance provided to young adult to complete and submit the Independent Living Program/Transitional Independent Living Program - Youth/Young Adult Grievance in Notes.
Document case staffings held and who was in attendance in the Notes tab.
Document safety concerns for young adults in Independent Living Subsidy and supports provided in Notes.
End date all authorized and pending services in Guardian, if applicable.
Enter the service end date under Agreement Status in the Transition to Adulthood tab.

A.R.S. § 46-134. Powers and duties; expenditure; limitation
A.A.C R21-5-208. Termination of Services