Chapter 5 : Section 26
DCS Involvement After Guardianship
The Department shall petition the court to dismiss its dependency order following the granting of a guardianship by the court.
Assist the permanent guardian in applying for representative payee for children receiving SSI, SSA, VA or child support.
Recommend that the dependency petition be dismissed after the guardianship has been granted.
If a case is not dismissed, consult with the Attorney General's Office for the appropriate course of action to achieve dismissal of the dependency.
If the juvenile court does not dismiss the dependency petition, continued supervision of the placement should include:
services to the child;
visits with the child and caregiver together in the caregiver's home at least once every three months;
monthly telephone contact with the child and the caregiver; and
compliance with orders of the juvenile court.
If ordered by the court, complete an investigation of the facts and circumstances surrounding the welfare and best interests of the child using the Addendum Report to Juvenile Court format found in Legal Documents in Guardian. Submit the report to the court prior to the Report and Review Hearing.
Participate in the report and review of the guardianship.
When the juvenile court dismisses the dependency petition, or the court does not order the Department to provide continued case management services, document case closure in Guardian.
Update the Legal tab to reflect the change in the child's legal status, then terminate all DCS funded services.


A.R.S. ยง 8-872. Permanent guardianship; procedure.