Chapter 5 : Section 8

Out-of-County/Out-of-State Adoption


When a child is placed for adoption with adoptive parents who reside in another county, the Department office in the county in which the adoptive parent(s) reside shall designate a courtesy supervision DCS Specialist or contract agency case manager.

The child's DCS Specialist or contract agency case manager and the courtesy supervision case manager shall work cooperatively to ensure the child and family receive the services they need to facilitate the adoption.

The Department shall follow Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children policies and procedures when making adoptive placements in another state.

The Department shall notify an approved out-of-state adoptive family who was considered as an adoptive household for a child when a placement is not made or identified as a result of a family selection meeting.

The Department shall grant an opportunity for a fair hearing to an approved out-of-state adoptive family who was considered as an adoptive household for a child who alleges the Department denied or delayed the placement of a child solely because the family resides out-of-state.


Out of County Adoptions

Child's DCS Specialist or contract agency case manager will:

  • Conduct staffings, and write reports to the court and Foster Care Review Board;

  • Complete and sign the Adoptive Placement Agreement, CSO-1055A, or the Foster Adoption Agreement, CSO-1090A;

  • Provide the courtesy supervision DCS Specialist or contract agency case manager with background information, from the hard copy record including: documents for filing the adoption petition, medical coverage information, and documentation needed to apply for adoption subsidy, if applicable; and

  • Request dismissal of the dependency petition when the adoption is finalized.

The courtesy supervision DCS Specialist or contract agency case manager will:

  • Make home visits to assess the child’s safety, placement stability, and determine if the placement is meeting the child’s needs;

  • Assist the family with completing and signing the Adoptive Family Subsidy Application, if applicable;

  • Help the family file the petition to adopt and complete the final adoption report, if required;

  • Send the child's DCS Specialist or contract agency case manager a certified copy of the final adoption order; and

  • Report significant changes with the child or family to the assigned DCS Specialist as they occur, via phone or email.

Out of State Adoptions

The DCS Specialist or contract agency case manager shall follow the procedures in ICPC: Overview, Referrals, & Placements and will:

  • Ensure the child's active case plan goal is adoption;

  • Request court approval for an out-of-state placement;

  • Obtain reports from the supervising agency and/or court regarding the progress toward adoption; and

  • Supply documentation required by the state in which the adoption will take place.

Adoptions may be finalized in Arizona when the prospective adoptive parent(s) and the child in out-of-home care reside in another state when:

  • the child is a dependent and currently under the jurisdiction of the state juvenile court;

  • the child currently resides in the home of the applicant;

  • DCS placed the child in the home of the applicant;

  • DCS recommends the adoption of the child by the applicant;

  • FCRB has reviewed the child's case; and

  • ICPC has recommended the adoption take place.

If adoption subsidy is applicable, assist the family with completing the Adoption Subsidy Application and submit it to Arizona Adoption Subsidy Program with the necessary documentation.

Ensure the Adoption Subsidy Agreement is signed by the adoptive family and DCS Subsidy Supervisor prior to the final adoption.

Out of State Adoption Appeals

A family shall be notified of the denial of placement and be granted an opportunity for a fair hearing if:

  • the family is an approved out-of-state adoptive family who was considered for placement at a family selection meeting; and

  • the child was not placed with an adoptive family or a placement was not identified.


File the certified copy of the adoption order and other documents in the child's hard copy record.

Designates the courtesy supervision DCS Specialist as case person-support in Guardian.

The courtesy supervision DCS Specialist will document changes in the child or adoptive family’s status in Guardian.

Effective Date: February 1, 2021
Revision History: November 30, 2012, September 4, 2019