Chapter 3 : Section 9.2

Dually Adjudicated Youth Services


The Department shall work in cooperation with the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections (ADJC) and County Juvenile Probation (JPO) when a youth has been dually adjudicated.

The Department shall participate in staffings jointly with ADJC, including the transition staffing conducted prior to the youth’s discharge from a secured facility if the child is in the custody of the Department of Child Safety (DCS) or if filing a dependency petition.

Upon being made aware a youth in care is being detained or arrested by law enforcement, the Department shall notify the public defender, and if applicable, the guardian ad litem and CASA.

Cases that include youth who are in the care, custody and control of DCS and are either detained or incarcerated must remain open.


Notify the youth's public defender, guardian ad litem and CASA upon notification that a youth in care has been detained or arrested by law enforcement.

Case Management Coordination

Notify ADJC in writing prior to filing a dependency petition. Notify the Program Manager or designee of the dependency petition.

In addition to the case management activities as described in Developing and Reassessing the Family-Centered Case Plan, complete the following:

  • Participate in any ADJC transition staffing or other meeting concerning the youth (this includes a youth who is incarcerated in juvenile detention, in a community placement or placed with the parent or legal guardian).

  • When participating in the ADJC transition staffing or any other meetings, discuss placement, education, therapeutic and medical needs and the transition plan. If a dependency is to be filed, the DCS Specialist must attend the staffing.

  • Include the ADJC representative and/or parole/probation officer in all case plan staffings.

  • In conjunction with the ADJC staff, develop a case plan for the youth’s care in the community prior to his/her discharge from a secured facility. Ensure each agency’s responsibilities are identified in the case plan.

  • Monitor progress made towards the case plan permanency goal through regular communication with the assigned ADJC representative and/or parole/probation officer.

For children incarcerated or detained:

  • Coordinate with ADJC or the detention facility to ensure the youth’s medical needs are met (medical appointments completed/conditions treated).

  • If applicable, coordinate with ADJC or the detention facility for medication when a youth is detained.

  • Ensure the ADJC representative or parole officer and/or juvenile detention receives a copy of the youth’s Health Plan.

  • Coordinate and communicate with ADJC, the detention facility, and/or the parole or probation officer the mental health needs and the assigned RBHA provider for the youth.

  • Notify the ADJC representative and/or parole or juvenile detention of youth’s medical condition and any need for medication.

  • Sign for receipt of any medications for the youth upon release from secure care.

Notify ADJC staff of any surrogate parent.

When appropriate, attend all review of placement hearings including those related to the delinquency petition.

Attend IEP and other school meetings and appointments when necessary. Complete and send educational vouchers. Ensure IEP’s are current, particularly during transition to a new placement. Ensure ADJC staff receives copy of the IEP.

Maintain contact with the child and provider according to Planning for Services and Supports to Achieve Permanency Goal.

When communicating with the ADJC representative and/or parole/ probation officer, include any observations regarding:

  • the child and child’s family;

  • school attendance including progress or suspension;

  • placement change recommendations;

  • case plan progress, and;

  • authorized contacts with child including sibling visitation.

Ensure the ADJC representative (parole) or probation officer receives copies of provider reports.

Assist in locating a community placement for the youth when appropriate and provide that placement with required information. If the child is released to DCS, assess the child’s placement needs and make a placement according to Out-of-Home Care Under a Dependency .

Engage the parent and all other pertinent family members in services in an effort to enable the family to care for the child without DCS involvement.

If the Dually Adjudicated Youth is 16 years of age or older, determine if it is appropriate to provide Independent Living Services as described in Services and Supports to Prepare Youth for Adulthood .

Transition Planning

For children on probation:

  • Coordinate and communicate with juvenile probation to ensure the youth’s medical needs, including behavioral health care, are met.

  • Ensure the juvenile probation officer receives a copy of the youth’s Health Plan.

  • Contact a Mental Health Specialist to discuss the mental health needs and the assigned RBHA provider for the youth. The Mental Health Specialist will coordinate a MDCT staffing.

  • Contact the Mental Health Specialist to arrange an MDCT staffing.

  • Invite representatives from ADJC to participate in a transition planning meeting.

  • Encourage external mental health providers to participate once youth is discharged from a secure facility.

  • For youth that reach age of majority while dually adjudicated, refer to Young Adult in a Secure Care Setting Beyond Age Eighteen in Voluntary Extended Foster Care for more information.


File a copy of the written notification to ADJC regarding the filing of a petition in the hard copy record.

Submit a new Placement Service Request with Service Type of Detention in Guardian to document the status of the child as in detention or custody of ADJC. End date the service request when the child is released.

Effective Date: February 13, 2023
Revision History: November 30, 2012, February 1, 2021, September 24, 2022