Standard Work Field Operations

DCS-1600 - 45+ Day Check Sheet

DCS-1724 - 1:1 Program Administrator to Program Manager

Consultation Review Process

Denied Court Authorized Removal Process

Entering the Gemba (DCS Office) Standard Work

Field Standard Work - Funeral Arrangements

OCWI Report Reduction

Overdue Report Reduction

Standard Work - Pending Vacancy

Pending Vacancy Reassignment Checklist

Quarterly Review Process

Service Referral Approval Matrix

Standard Work for AHIT Alert Requests

Standard Work - Courtesy Requests Between Regions

Standard Work for After Hours Investigations Teams

Standard Work for Lateral Transfers

Transferring Reports Between Regions Standard Work

Standard Work - Seneca Searches

Standard Work - Transition and Discharge Planning for Young Adults at 18 with Safety Related Concerns to Participation in the EFC Program

Standard Work for Transportation for High Risk Youth

Standard Work - Transportation of Children Age 0 - 7

Process Maps

Investigation to Case Management

Safety Planning-Process for the Assessment of Protective Person or Removal and Placement